Proven Ecommerce Tactics to Boost Conversion Rates

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October 26, 2015

While you test strategies to increase website traffic, anguish over ad campaigns and pore over website analytics, don’t forget the true secret to ecommerce success is increasing conversion rates. Top online retailers have mastered the art of turning website browsers into buyers.   The average conversion rate for online stores is about 2-3%. We know average isn’t your goal if you want to be an ecommerce super seller, so we’ve outlined the top strategies for increasing conversion rates and boosting sales.  

1. Evaluate Ad Copy

If website visitors are coming to your landing page from a pay-per-click ad, make sure you are meeting their expectations when they get there. Your ad copy should tell potential buyers exactly what they’ll find once they click to your site.  Nailing this is not only important for boosting conversion rates, it will also add value to your ad budget by attracting a higher percentage of targeted buyers.  

2. Test Landing Pages

If click-through-rates on your ads are high but conversions on your landing pages are low, it may be a good time to split-test or A/B test your page design. Every element on your landing page can and should be tested, right down to the colors, fonts and images.  Platonik tested a call-to-action button and found that changing the wording from "Click Here" to "Free Instant Access" resulted in a 27% increase in sign ups.    

Common landing page elements for testing include:

  • Main Headline
  • Images
  • Call to Action text and position
  • Call to Action design and color
  • Copy length
  • Structure

3. Add Live Chat

You can’t beat the convenience of online shopping. The trouble with buying online is that many shoppers feel disconnected with a brand and the instant support they receive in a brick and mortar store.  You can increase conversions by giving offering shoppers a virtual online salesperson in the form live chat support. 73% of customers surveyed said they prefer live chat above all other customer service channels including phone, email and social media.  Conversion rate trends show live chat is a factor in closing an online sale. According to Retail TouchPoints, footwear retailer Nine West saw a 15% increase in online conversions after adding a Live Chat function to its website.  For a quick comparison of the top live chat software vendors, check out this product review including features, cost and ranking.


4. Optimize Your Mobile Site for Buying

As we mentioned in a previous post, internet use on mobile devices outpaced the desktop for the first time last year. If the latest numbers are any indication, an increasing number of mobile users are shopping.  

500 leading online retailers saw an 80% increase in ecommerce sales via smartphones and tablets in 2014. -Internet Retailer Mobile 500 Report

In order to increase conversion rates, it’s important to look at your mobile and desktop conversions separately. Make sure your store’s mobile shopping experience includes clear product images, accessible product information and an easy checkout process.

5. Analyze Customer Data

The ‘one size fits all’ approach to ecommerce marketing is so yesterday. Consumers expect tailored messages and offers. Thanks to analytics, more online businesses are able to deliver.  When customers spend time on your ecommerce site, interact with social media and open your marketing emails, they are providing you with valuable insight. Analyzing the data in the right way can uncover better strategies for improving conversions.  For example, look at behavioral data in Google Analytics to analyze when a shopper hits your site, where they are located, what type of device they are using and if they are a new or returning customer. This kind of data deep dive enables you target visitors with personalized messaging and offers, helping you increase online conversion rates.  Just remember, even the highest amount of website traffic to your ecommerce site won’t make a difference if you can’t convert browsers to buyers. Take the time to test these strategies to improve conversion rates and grow your online business.  

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