Ecommerce Analytics

Powerful ecommerce analytics that provide insights into customer behavior, channel performance, product metrics and more. Gather relevant data, make informed decisions and increase your profitability.

Enhanced ecommerce reports at the click of a button.
  • Track performance by product categories, customer segments and channels to discover revenue drivers.
  • Find answers to the most intriguing questions about cart abandonment - like which customers abandon and what products are abandoned.
  • Make accurate forecasts that will inform everything from stock levels, sales goals and ad spend.
  • Personalize the shopping experience for your consumers by studying their product preferences, price points and purchase history.
  • Optimize email campaigns with customer segment syncs to Klaviyo and Mailchimp.

Enhanced ecommerce reports at the click of a button.

Enhanced ecommerce reports provide much deeper real-time insights into the functionalities of your online business, customer engagement, conversion rate, cart abandonment rate, shipping charges, refunds, marketing efforts, sales performance and product performance.

Generating ecommerce reports with Glew’s ecommerce analytics software is much easier than you might think. Glew Plus enables you to use drag-and-drop reporting across 180+ integrations with pre-built data joins and custom Glew measures, while Glew Pro offers more than 300 KPIs and pre-built filters for a more out-of-the-box reporting experience.

Whether you want to generate scheduled reports (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly), daily snapshots or custom reports on inventory, product, or marketing, Glew enables you to do so at a single click of a button.

Customer data organized simply, just for you.

Customer data is invaluable. It enables you to take the appropriate steps to optimize the customer journey, start to finish.

E-commerce platforms gather a lot of unstructured data about customers from various sources including advertising platforms, sales departments, marketing automation platforms, surveys, web browsers, point-of-sale, customer service and more. The question is how to organize this data and convert it into decision-making insights.

This is where ecommerce analytics software like Glew comes in. Glew gathers and analyzes data from over 150+ standard sources in just a few clicks. Glew's customer analytics for ecommerce enable you to use 30+ pre-built customer segments, including value shopper, abandoned cart, high AOV, recently purchased, big spenders, repeat customers, refunders, never purchased and many more to filter data. You can use this ecommerce data to roll out personalized email marketing campaigns and improve your customers' experience.

Optimize AOV, Ad Spend and Inventory Performance.

If you are an ecommerce business owner with an online store, it’s important for you to focus on optimizing average order value (AOV), ad spend and inventory performance in order to reduce operational costs and increase your bottom line.

Optimize AOV

Average order value (AOV) is one of the easiest ways to capitalize on existing buyers, without needing to increase your audience size. According to Sucharita Kodali, a principal analyst with Forrester, strategies like upselling can increase profits by up to 30%.

Most often, increasing your AOV means getting consumers to add more items to their cart during a purchase. Upselling, cross-selling, bundling, and free shipping thresholds are all great ways to improve your AOV.

Optimize Ad Spend

Glew’s marketing analytics for ecommerce help you skip the vanity metrics and get straight to ROI, helping you better understand the true performance of your advertising campaigns with top-line KPIs that take ad spend into account.

By identifying which marketing channels and efforts are generating the most new customers and the most revenue, Glew helps you determine where and how you should reallocate resources to optimize ad spend.

Optimize Inventory Performance

Inventory performance is a vital metric that helps you measure how efficiently your inventory is being cleared and replenished. If you have an ecommerce store, you should track your inventory to answer the following questions:

1. What amount of product is in hand?

2. What is out of stock?

3. What products are moving fast?

4. What products are taking costly shelf space?

5. What are seasonal trends and holiday buying patterns?

Glew’s inventory analytics for ecommerce help answer these questions by tracking all your inventory KPIs, including sell-through rate, depletion days, out-of-stock products, fast-moving products, and slowest-selling products. The actionable insights offered by Glew’s inventory analytics enable you to price products appropriately and develop discount strategies to move products faster.

Ecommerce Metrics & KPIs

Daily performance KPIs

Average order value
Conversion rate
Advertising spend
Revenue by channel
Net profit by channel
Lifetime value KPIs
Customer KPIs
Facebook KPIs
Custom segments
Customer tags
Product KPIs
Product segments
Order KPIs
Vendor KPIs
Inventory KPIs
Shipping KPIs
Subscription KPIs

Ecommerce Insights

Customer insights

Relationship length
Customer status
Refunded amount
Abandoned carts
Abandoned cart amount
Rewards activity
Customer support activity
Customer tags

Customer segments

Value shoppers
VIP customers
Big ticket spenders
Small ticket spenders
Full price customers
Never purchased
High AOV
First purchase
Recent purchase
Recently refunded
Active customers
Lost customers
At-risk customers
Custom segments


Channel and campaign attribution
First-order attribution
Last-click attribution
Acquisition by channel


Lifetime value
New vs repeat customers
Repeat customer rate
Average time between purchases
Purchase frequency
Revenue by channel

Gather the most valuable ecommerce analytics metrics for your business.

The best ecommerce analytics metrics help you assess the performance of your online store. Glew’s ecommerce analytics tool tracks several ecommerce metrics that help you analyze the performance of your ecommerce business so you can make better, more informed decisions.

You can integrate Glew with Google Analytics, Shopify, and 180 other applications in areas such as advertising, ecommerce, business intelligence, customer support, email automation, fulfillment, loyalty, operations, payments, subscriptions, warehouse, and many more to streamline ecommerce operations and create a suitable marketing strategy. 

Glew’s ecommerce analytics enable you to track each individual customer’s journey, attribute sales across multiple marketing channels and analyze the performance of digital marketing campaigns based on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as web traffic, conversion, customer acquisition by channel, ad spend by channel, refunds by channel, customer lifetime value (CLTV) by channel and more.

Learn why Glew is the best ecommerce analytics tool to get the solutions you need.

From organizing customer data into 30+ pre-built customer segments for informed decision-making, to important data about products, customers, inventory, channels, and campaigns, we have the best ecommerce analytics on the planet.

Our integrations with Google Analytics and 180 other applications enables you to track your customer journeys, analyze the performance of marketing campaigns, optimize pricing, and learn what makes your business tick.

Don't like the way we've laid out our reports? Glew Pro also allows you to create customized ecommerce dashboards that provide personalized views about how your online store is performing. Need custom reporting? Glew Plus extends custom reporting functionality to every integration we support!

Book a demo to learn how our ecommerce analytics can help you gather relevant data, make informed decisions, and increase your profitability.

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