What's New in Glew: Cumulative Display, Advanced Data Grouping & Product Based Customer Lifetime Value

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Published on
October 5, 2016

We are continuously refining our application to help you find more areas for growth. Take a look at the latest features in Glew below!

Cumulative Display

Cumulative display is the running total of all data points. Now when you are previewing graphs, you can turn Cumulative on and see trending store performance in an easier to read format. Use Cumulative when you want to compare overall store performance from one period to another. Quickly see the trajectory of store sales this year and find hidden insights when all of your data is bundled together.

Cumulative Display in Glew

Advanced Data Grouping

Group sales data by Hour, Day, Week, Month, Day of Week or Time of Day. In this example we've grouped revenue by Day of the Week and found that Wednesday was the worst performing day of the week in the last year.

Advanced Data Grouping in Glew

Switch to Time of Day and quickly see how sales pick up or slow down throughout the day.

Time of Day in Glew

Make Money from This Data Use these data groupings to determine your Paid Search strategy. Advertise heavily during the hours that bring in the most sales, and increase budgets on the days that bring in the most sales. Instead of guessing the most profitable time to send emails (or using the time of day suggested to everyone else) schedule emails during the hours your store sees the most revenue.

Product Based Customer Lifetime Value

Found under each product's individual product page, the Product Based Customer Lifetime Value metric shows the average Lifetime Value of customers who have purchased this product.

Product Based Customer Lifetime Value in Glew

Make Money from This Data Selling products at break-even or as loss-leaders can be an effective strategy if customers end up buying more once they have purchased the first product. Use this metric to see how individual products contribute to the Lifetime Value of customers. It's worth it to lower prices for products that grab highly profitable customers. Interested in getting started with a free trial of Glew? Get started here.

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