3 Ways to Improve Your Customer Experience

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April 5, 2017

Ecommerce analytics play an integral role in the success of an online store. In order to operate a profitable ecommerce business, there are important data points that you need to keep track of. This type of information can provide you with insights on which products are the most profitable, how often your customers are purchasing, which advertising channels are most efficient at bringing in new customers, which products see the most reorders, and much more. But running a successful online store is about much more than just the number of orders and profits from sales. Establishing a customer base that is happy with your services and loyal to your store is just as important as the amount of money you are bringing in. By getting a better understanding of what your customers want to see, tend to purchase, and find the most appealing, it is easier for you to give them what they need and expect. Following are a few of the ways that ecommerce analytics can help you improve your customer experience.

1. Provide Your Shoppers with Better Customer Service

Did you know that 9 out of 10 shoppers in the United States are compelled to spend more money with companies that they feel provide excellent customer service to them? This means that even if your prices are a little bit higher than some of your competitors or you don’t have the largest selection of inventory, they are still more willing to shop with a company who treats them right.

9 out of 10 shoppers in the United States are compelled to spend more money with companies that they feel provide excellent customer service to them.

When your ecommerce analytics makes it easy for your representatives to see a customer’s order history, how long they have been an active customer, and how much they typically spend with you, the end result is a more efficient customer service experience. For example, you are more likely to offer free shipping or a discount code as a courtesy to a regular customer than someone who has a history of making frequent returns. A happy customer makes a loyal customer, which also translates to more sales. Glew provides your ecommerce store with individual customer profiles (based off of email addresses) so that you can know more about your customers before providing service. Checkout more ways to use this dashboard to your advantage!

2. Use Personalization to Show Visitors What They Want to See

Another perk of ecommerce analytics is that you can easily keep track of your customers’ habits. If you know which products a shopper has previously ordered, which items on your website they tend to look at, and which products they have abandoned in their shopping cart, you can use all of this information to your advantage. For instance, let’s say that you have a customer who purchases the same pair of black sneakers every six months. Since you know there is a good chance they will be looking for these sneakers, send them an email with this product featured to make their shopping experience seamless. Show visitors what they want, give them what they need, and make their shopping experience a breeze.

3. Try to Convert Visitors into Customers During Each Interaction

It is not enough to simply wait for a potential customer to stumble upon your website and cross your fingers that they make a purchase. You need to actively seek out shoppers if you want to establish a group of loyal and consistent customers. By tracking your interactions with a customer, you then have the necessary information to build upon each interaction. For example, let’s say that your first touchpoint with a potential customer is a social media ad about one of your most popular products. Your potential customer clicks on the ad and doesn’t purchase anything, but they do sign up for your email newsletter – win! Now, you can send them an email about your store and company. Feature these same popular products on your homepage or in a featured product section. Use Glew's Hot Product Segment to determine which products to feature.

You need to treat every interaction as an opportunity to make a sale, and this is much easier to accomplish when your ecommerce analytics is keeping track of the data you need.

Stay Ahead of Consumers

As technology is constantly evolving, so is the ecommerce industry and what shoppers expect to see from online stores. What may have drawn in customers one month could be drastically different from what you see six months later. Checking out your ecommerce analytics is not a one-time deal – the data needs to be monitored continuously. But by having all of the important data and using it to your advantage, the opportunity to improve your overall customer experience does exist.

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